It’s the latest device that has skin doctors around the world talking. Tixel skin rejuvenation treatments deliver outstanding results with less pain and downtime than other skin rejuvenation treatments.
In fact, according to skin doctors around the world, Tixel skin rejuvenation treatments are on par with the gold standard CO2 ablative lasers but without the risk, pain or downtime.
So, what exactly is Tl ixeand is it the right treatment for you?
What is Tixel?
Tixel skin rejuvenation is a treatment that uses thermal energy to target particular areas of the skin, improving a number of skin conditions.
During a Tixel skin rejuvenation treatment, a Tixel handpiece, featuring a medical-grade titanium plate with 81 tiny, needle-like pyramids, is moved across the skin without breaking the surface.
Heat is delivered through the titanium plate and the heat intensity can be varied to treat different skin issues.
The amount of contact time the tip has with the skin and the surface area of the tip in contact with the skin can be altered to give a less or more aggressive treatment. For instance, more aggressive settings give slightly more downtime but with much better results.
Tixel skin rejuvenation can be used as a standalone treatment or as part of a regimen that includes other treatments or topical skin products.
Tixel can help improve a number of skin conditions, including wrinkles and fine lines, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, poor skin tone or texture, acne scars or bags under the eyes.
How does Tixel work?
Tixel skin rejuvenation treatments work with the body to treat skin conditions, in a similar way to CO2 laser.
Using a thermo-mechanical device powered by medical grade titanium tips, Tixel safely administers focused beams of heat to the skin.
This focused heat, delivered in a controlled way, causes collagen to immediately contract, resulting in firmer and tighter skin. The treatment also creates tiny injuries in the skin which triggers a natural healing response in the body to generate new collagen which can result in fewer wrinkles, and tighter and smoother skin.
Collagen and elastin are the proteins that keep our skin firm, tighter, and smoother.
What are the benefits of Tixel?
The Tixel skin rejuvenation treatment is an effective, non-invasive treatment that can greatly improve skin quality and appearance.
Tixel is often used to improve fine lines and wrinkles and reduce pore size.
Tixel skin rejuvenation treatment is seen by many as a great general skin rejuvenation treatment, which is quick and less painful than other similar treatments.
All skin types can be treated with Tixel.
Clients who undergo laser treatment are required to wear protection, meaning it’s not always able to address issues close to the eye. This is not the case with Tixel skin rejuvenation treatment, which can be safely performed very close to the eye.
Do I need to prepare my skin before a Tixel treatment?
Tixel skin rejuvenation treatments require no specific skin preparation.
It’s recommended that patients wear no make-up to their appointment and avoid tanning for four weeks before and after the treatment.
In some cases where a higher setting is required, a patient may be recommended to cease use of vitamin A creams one week before their Tixel treatment. Speak to one of our skin doctors ahead of your appointment to discuss this.
What should I expect during and after Tixel treatment?
A Tixel skin rejuvenation treatment usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes. The client relaxes on a table while the nurse or doctor gently runs the Tixel device across the skin.
In cases where an anaesthetic cream is used, it is applied about 45 minutes before the treatment. At Bass Coast Skin Doctors, we offer our patients access to a prescription-level anaesthetic which is far more effective than non-prescription options.
Most patients will be recommended a course of three to six Tixel skin rejuvenation treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart.
The visible results of Tixel treatment can last for two to three years, although as your skin ages, you might opt for maintenance treatments in between. A treatment once or twice a year is recommended to maintain results.
Is any aftercare required post Tixel treatment?
Immediately following a Tixel skin rejuvenation treatment, your skin may be slightly swollen and red and it could feel hot and sensitive, a little like sunburn, although that normally subsides after a few hours.
It’s best to avoid creams except for a gentle moisturiser for the first six to eight hours after the treatment. Sunscreen and a gentle cleanser can be used from the day after treatment. It’s also advised to avoid swimming, participating in sports that involve sweating, and exposure to heat such as saunas or hot showers.
In the following days, your skin may become rough and dry over the treated area. You can use extra moisturiser but do not scrub the skin. Your skin should return to normal within four to five days.
Avoid wearing make-up or applying creams that contain vitamin A or C and acids for seven days after the treatment.
Ask about Tixel at Bass Coast Skin Doctors
So state-of-the-art is Tixel technology that Bass Coast Skin Doctors are one of only a few clinics in the country to offer Tixel skin rejuvenation treatment.
Our skin doctors and nurses are highly skilled in diagnosing skin conditions and can advise you whether Tixel is the best therapy to treat them.
If you’re looking for a skin clinic near San Remo or Phillip Island that offers Tixel, then Bass Coast Skin Doctors can help.
Book a consultation today to find out if Tixel is right for you. Call (03) 5618 7007 or book an appointment online.