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Medical cosmetics

Medical cosmetics

At Bass Coast, our doctors have years of experience in providing effective, evidence-based treatments with minimal to no down time.

Our mantra is ‘less is more.’ We pride ourselves on the efficacy of our anti-ageing solutions, which will leave you with healthy, refreshed, natural-looking skin.

Our comprehensive and holistic treatment plans are formulated based on correct facial assessment and an open dialogue between you and your treating clinician. Taking into consideration your lifestyle and individual needs, our plans take a staggered approach, where we build upon treatments slowly and safely over time to achieve longer lasting results.

First time patient? Book a consultation

If you’re not sure where to start with treating your skin, it’s best to book a consultation with one of our skin doctors or nurses. They can assess your skin and advise which treatments will address your skin concerns.

What are your cosmetic concerns?

The 6 Rs of holistic skincare

At Bass Coast, we believe skin health is a journey, not a destination. Healthy skin is the cornerstone of general dermatology, as well as cosmetic medicine. Your skin is the largest organ of your body so it’s important to regularly care for it, in the same way that you would exercise for your physical health. To achieve a healthy glow and long-lasting results, you must continue to protect and stimulate your skin over time.

It’s all about simple and consistent upkeep. To help illustrate this idea and plan an effective treatment plan for your skin, we have designed the 6 Rs of holistic skin care.

The 6Rs diagram

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